Helping you successfully execute your 1031 exchange
Whether you’re looking to trade up in value or reinvest into a new asset class, our experts possess deep knowledge of all commercial property types and are here to guide you through every step of your 1031 exchange journey.

All the services needed to execute your 1031 exchange successfully
The Northmarq Exchange team understands the complexities of 1031 exchanges and serves as your partner in navigating this complex process. Together, we help you meet IRS requirements, maximize tax savings, and achieve your real estate investment goals without worry.
Invested in tailored solutions
No two properties or transactions are alike. That’s why our advisors approach each situation uniquely, using our unparalleled experience across all multifamily and commercial markets to guide your investment decisions.

New to 1031 Exchange?

Why settle for less than a partner who can do it all?
Northmarq provides a single source to help you purchase, finance, sell, and reinvest. You can have peace of mind knowing that every aspect of your transaction is taken care of so you can focus on what matters most—growing your real estate portfolio.